How to Please a Filipina Date

A filipina is familiar with western dating, filipina are romantic, they love to sing love songs, or even sad love songs, so on dating you might like to play a background music while in your dinner.

Most filipinas love to go to beach resort , so if you are planning for a date, you might as well bring or invite her family or close friends, that way she will feel you care about her family or respect her in a deeper way. This should be done on first few dates, but for your next dates, parents, family and close friends will give you space or not necessary to be there.

Filipina loves to eat 3 times a day, so dont forget to buy foods on time, like 8am, 12 noon and 7pm. though some filipinas dont eat too much, but thise 3 food schedules is necessary to pinay since they are raised to eat 3 times a day.

Filipinas love flowers, they like to received gifts from you, its a filipino culture to give your date something, like chocolate or flower. Shoes are also good gifts but for special occussions like birthday or wedding.

There are so many ways you can please a filipina date, one of them is invite them to a movie, a love story movie, though some pinays like to watch super hero movies or sci-fi, the love or romantic movie still is the best option.

Most filipina dont like smoking, so try to avoid it, or drinking too much. Pinay love to disco, yes disco bar is a good thing to please a filipina.